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Bigleaf Aster

Eurybia macrophylla (Aster macrophyllus)

Bigleaf Aster will provide a welcoming environment to butterflies, bees, and other important pollinators and wildlife. This with showy leaves this plant will add texture and color to your summer and fall garden. Native Bigleaf Aster is perfect for for full sun, partly shade, and full shade spaces. 

Grows To:
1-2 Ft
2-4 Ft
Bloom Time:
Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade, Shade
Soil Moisture:
Dry , Medium , Moist
Soil Description:
Loam, Sand
Bumblebees, Butterflies, Caterpillars, Pollen Specialist Bees, Beneficial Insects
Resistant to:
Fragrant Flowers:
Drought Tolerant: