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Broadway East Community Pollinator Garden in Baltimore, Maryland

For every plant sold on our website, we reserve one plant to be donated to a community garden or public space, doubling our collective impact on wildlife and the planet. This Baltimore, Maryland native plant garden is our first community donation.

On June 3, 2023 The 6th BranchBroadway East Community Association, National Wildlife Federation and Garden for Wildlife came together on a sunny Saturday morning to help establish a community pollinator garden at corner of East Lanvale Street and North Port Street in East Baltimore, Maryland.

Baltimore, Maryland Native Plants - Garden For Wildlife Native Plant Donation

Led by Dr. Doris Minor-Terrell of the Broadway East Community Association, local volunteers planted native plants and shrubs to create a Certified Wildlife Habitat®. The plants will support pollinators and other wildlife while also providing a green space for neighborhood residents.

Baltimore Maryland native plant garden

Dr. Doris emphasized the need for natural spaces, citing a report initiative to plant native trees for tree cover. American Forests' “Tree Equity Scores” for 150,000 neighborhoods across the country highlights the inequitable distribution of tree canopy in urban areas. A score of 100 represents tree equity. Baltimore itself scored 84, but Broadway East has a tree equity score of around 60 and 10% tree cover; some blocks in the neighborhood had a score as low as 50.

The 6th Branch's Urban Canopy Program in Baltimore plants 100+ trees each year, stewards countless more, and operates the New Broadway East Tree Farm and Nursery, onsite with the new pollinator garden.

Baltimore Maryland native plant garden

The new plants are native to Baltimore, Maryland and now serve as the foundation for their community Certified Wildlife Habitat. 



Garden for Wildlife Plant Donations

For every plant sold on our website, we reserve one plant to be donated to a community garden or public space, doubling our collective impact on wildlife and the planet. This was our first community donation, and we’re excited to help more communities get more native plants in the ground in as many places as we can. 

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If you’re interested in securing a donation, please visit our community garden donation page to learn more. 

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