Edited by David Mizejewski, National Wildlife Federation Naturalist
We vegetable gardeners are often told to build walls, erect fences, and generally keep wildlife out of our precious plots. But here's the truth: without the buzzing, fluttering, and crawling creatures we often see as foes, our gardens would be barren. You can't have juicy tomatoes, plump eggplants, bountiful squashes, or sweet blueberries without pollinators. It's that simple.
My bountiful vegetable garden with a surprise guest
Think about it: tomatoes, eggplants, squashes, blueberries, fruit trees, apples – they all rely on pollinators like bees, butterflies, and other insects to transfer pollen and produce fruit. Even self-pollinating plants like tomatoes and peppers benefit significantly from a process called "buzz pollination."
Bees, especially bumblebees, use a technique where they vibrate their flight muscles while clinging to the flower. This vibration releases pollen more effectively than wind pollination alone.
The result? Better fruit set, larger fruits, and a more abundant harvest. It's like a natural "pollination boost" provided by the bees. Think of it like this, wind pollination is like a light breeze, and bee buzz pollination is like a small localized earthquake, shaking loose much more pollen.
Beyond Pollination: Natural Pest Control
But the benefits don't stop there. A thriving pollinator garden attracts a diverse range of beneficial insects that act as natural pest control.
Lacewing larvae which are often called "aphid lions," have piercing mouthparts and will consume aphids, spider mites, thrips, and even small caterpillars. Adult lacewings (pictured here) often feed on pollen and nectar, making them frequent visitors to pollinator gardens.
Another enemy to the aphids are ladybugs. This ladybug larva, spotted on my golden alexander (Zizia aurea) plant, will go on to decimate aphid populations.
Ladybug larva on golden alexander (Zizia aurea)
Parasitic wasps, like the braconid wasp, are incredible allies, laying eggs on the back of tomato hornworms and effectively neutralizing this garden pest. The wasp larvae burrow into the caterpillar and then consume their host from the inside out, eventually killing it.
Tomato hornworm (on the left) and braconid wasp eggs covering a hornworm (on the right)
But that’s not all. There are also predatory wasps, like the paper wasp, that might seem intimidating but can be valuable allies in the garden. They hunt caterpillars and other insects to feed their larvae - making them particularly effective at controlling larger pests.
Other allies in the garden are the dragonflies. These aerial predators are masters of catching flying insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and moths. Their presence in your garden helps keep populations of these pests in check. Native plants like the blue flag iris (Iris virginica), are great for attracting dragonflies. This plant species thrives in the moist environments where dragonflies lay their eggs and where their mosquito-devouring aquatic nymphs live. Blue flag iris also provides perching spots where dragonflies rest and survey the area for prey. Planting it in the shallows or next to a small garden pond or other water feature creates ideal habitat for all stages of a dragonfly's life.
Frogs and toads are your friends as well. These amphibians are nocturnal predators, feeding on flies, mosquitoes, slugs, snails,, and other small invertebrates. Toads are particularly effective at controlling ground-dwelling pests while tree frogs devour insects in the vegetation
Let’s not forget the birds! Your pollinator garden will invite songbirds that help with pest control and grace your garden with soothing songs. Birds like chickadees, warblers, and wrens are insectivores, meaning they eat insects as a primary food source. They forage through your garden, picking off caterpillars, aphids, and other pests but they’ll leave the cucumber and squash for you to enjoy. Even hummingbirds eat insects in addition to flower nectar. They pluck tiny gnats, flies and mosquitoes right out of the air.
With so many helping hands, pest control in your vegetable garden will be a breeze!
Orange butterfly milkweed and bee balm plants for pollinators
Building a Balanced Ecosystem: Your Garden's Best Defense
Instead of relying on chemical warfare, embrace natural pest management techniques. Encourage songbirds, dragonflies, frogs, and toads to take up residence in your garden. They're natural predators that will help keep pest populations in check.
Spraying pesticides might seem like a quick fix, but it's a dangerous gamble. You're not just killing the "bad" bugs; you're wiping out the beneficial ones too. And let's not forget the devastating impact of neonicotinoid-treated seeds and plants on pollinators. These chemicals are essentially poison, lingering in the plant and harming any insect that comes into contact. Introducing plants into your garden that have been treated with neonicotinoids or spraying your plants with these chemicals can cause irreparable harm. So what can you do instead?
Supplement your natural defenses with tried-and-true organic gardening practices:
Handpicking: Remove pests like slugs, caterpillars, and beetles manually.
Physical Barriers: Use row covers, netting, or collars to protect vulnerable plants.
Non-Toxic Solutions: Employ vinegar, salt or copper strips (for slugs), or diatomaceous earth as natural pest deterrents.
How to Create a Pollinator Paradise
In my garden (pictured here) the essential pollinator plants, bee balm (Monarda fistulosa) and orange butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa), are in bloom just a few feet from my vegetable garden. By providing the right habitat, you too can attract a diverse array of helpful wildlife to your vegetable garden, ensuring a bountiful harvest and a healthier environment. So, how do you attract these essential allies to your pesticide-free vegetable garden? Let's break it down:
Fill the Rest of Your Yard with Native Plants: Create a dedicated pollinator garden with a variety of native flowers that bloom throughout the season. Native plants are adapted to your local climate and provide the best food sources for native pollinators.
Interplant Pollinator Plants in Your Vegetable Garden: Integrate pollinator-friendly flowers amongst your vegetables. This not only attracts pollinators but also provides habitat for beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which will feast on troublesome aphids and other pests. My pollinator plants are in garden beds a few feet away from the vegetable garden but you can design your garden to include both in the same space!
Source Seeds and Plants Responsibly: Choose seeds and plants from reputable sources that don't use neonicotinoids or other harmful pesticides.
Gardening for People and Wildlife
You have the power to create a healthy and diverse ecosystem that puts food on your table while supporting essential pollinators and local wildlife. It doesn’t have to be an us vs them mentality! Everything works better when we work together. When you add plants for pollinators to your garden, you'll witness the magic of pollination firsthand, marvel at the natural pest control provided by beneficial insects, and enjoy a more abundant and rewarding harvest.
This is your call to action to embrace the buzz, ditch the pesticides, and watch your vegetable garden flourish with the help of your pollinator partners!